Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Make Pickles


Here's how to make my grandma's refrigerator pickle recipe. These were always a favorite of mine growing up and a great way to preserve garden produce.

* 4 medium cucumbers
* 4 onions
* Salt
* 2 cups sugar
* 1 cup vinegar
* 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

'''step 1: Slice Cucumber and Onions'''
Take four medium cucumbers and slice them. Also slice thinly four onions.

'''step 2: Layering'''
In a large bowl or jar, lay down a layer of cucumbers and then a layer of onions on top of that. Lightly salt the layer and then add another layer of cucumbers, onions, and sprinkling of salt. Continue layering until vegetables are used up.

'''step 3: Refrigerate Overnight'''
Seal the pickle container and refrigerate over night, letting the cukes release their moisture.

'''step 4: Make Picking Liquid'''
Next mix together two cups of sugar, one cup of white vinegar, and 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley in a saucepan.

Cook on stovetop until sugar dissolves.

'''step 5: Pickle the Cucumbers'''
Remove the cucumbers from the refrigerator and drain off excess liquid.

Then pour hot sugar syrup over top of the cukes and return to the refrigerator.

The pickles will be ready to eat the following day. They will store in the refrigerator for several weeks.



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